Legal Compliance Training

This training course is presented in-house for a group of maximum 12 participants.
Special packages can be tailored to suit your needs.

Check Training Schedule

Four (4) Day Course

  • Purpose of the Act
  • Employer’s duties and responsibilities (5 steps)
  • Employee’s duties and rights
  • Manufacturers and Suppliers
  • Contractors
  • Health and Safety Representatives and Committees
  • Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate
  • Accident investigations and inquiries
  • Penalties and Offenses
  • Legal Understanding, Concepts and Interpretation:
    • Due Diligence
    • Vicarious Liability
    • Reasonable Man Test
  • Occupational Health and Hygiene
  • Important “new” and “old” Regulations – special reference to Schedule 4
  • Codes of Practices


Health and Safety at a workplace is definitely a team effort and can only be achieved when all the players involved ensure that they know the legal rules and play accordingly.

The legal rules and penalties for disobeying the rules create a standard that everyone can and should be aware of.

Without such a standard one’s approach to health and safety would be subjective and this will create confusion amongst the players.


  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Safety Professionals
  • Engineering Employees
  • Professionals in Training


The four day courses for Managerial and Supervisory employees are concluded with:

 a written final assessment, and the presentation of a workplace assignment.